Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaa

Christmas Love 2009

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas!
Have a wonderful New Year!

My New Year's resolution would be to lose weight so I can dress sexy like all you beautiful girls! ;)

Question of the Day:

What's your New Year resolution for 2010?


  1. thank you looove. Merry Xmas! I know I'm late but you know... =]

    Few resolutions:
    Get my permit (i know i know wtf?!) lol
    no smoking
    exercise, eat alot more fruits, take more vitamins, & drink aloooot of tea lol

    whats yours?

  2. belated merry christmas & advanced happy new year! :) my ny resolution? live a healthier lifestyle!

  3. mine: taking the relationship to another level. Moving in together with Boyfriend... and see how that works, we're planning (just talked it over, he hasn't proposed yet!) to get married in a year or 2... so...


  4. thankks dear =) i subscribed to your blog too! where did you buy all your china glaze nail polish? online?

  5. Awww, so many presents and it looks like you had so much fun with your family over the holidays :)
    You looked great in the few snapshots you took - you don't need to loose weight! I mean, it's always a good idea to look after your health but you look great so don't worry girl ;)
    I don't make New Year's resolutions for myself because I sort of set mini goals for myself throughout the year...but I know I don't want to live a mundane work, sleep, work lifestyle. Life is short and I want to live it out the best I can :) So that means more booze, travel and fun times haha.
    All the best to you and your loved ones in 2010!! xo

  6. thankssss hun I hope you have a happy 2010!! :D

    P.S I am totally obsesed with christmas sugar cookies haha!
